Deixo aquest formulari sobre en Kiro però l'ha contestat l'Strify.
La resposta de L'Strify està escrita en blanc. I en vermell, la traducció en català!!!!!!!!!
- Kiro is the smallest of the band. Kiro és el més baixet del grup.
- Since he reminds of koalas at first sight, I thought he was one when I first saw him.
- Ja que recorda a un coala a primera vista, vaig que pensar que n'era un quan el vaig
veure per primer cop.
- Kiro smells like my grandma. Fa una olor semblant a la meva àvia.
- If he hadn't become a bassist, he would now definitely not be much taller.
Si no fos baxista, segur que ara no seria molt més alt.
- Kiro is especially skilled in bed. And when he is not asleep, then he says he's tired.
Kiro es molt hàbil al llit. I quan no esta dormit, llavors diu que està cansat.
- Other than Kiro, someone else and sometimes Shin sleeps in his bed.
Apart d'en Kiro, algú altre i a vegades en Shin dormen al seu llit.
- When Kiro gets up in the morning, he is still tired and looks like a f**ked koala.
First thing he does then is have a wash.
Quan en Kiro s'aixeca pel matí, continua estant casat i sembla un puto coala.
El primer que fa es dutxar-se.
- Kiro couldn't live without cigarettes, he could do very well without bacon though.
No podria viure sense cigarretes, pero pot viure perfectament sense bacon.
- If you'd like to win him over, you should have something rare by t.A.T.u. with you.
Si vols guanyarte'l, hauries de tenir alguna cosa poc freqüent de TATU.
- If you enter Kiro's room you should be careful because cheese sandwiches learn to walk there.
Si entres a la seva habitació, has d'anar amb compte perque entrepans de formatges caminen per allá
- Kiro can't stand touching his arteries. His biggest vice is t.A.T.u..
No soporta tocar les seves venes. El seu gran vici es Tatu.
- When it comes to domestic work, he most definitely sneaks out of everything, but is willing to undertake
the planning of parties in return.
Quan es tracta de feines domèstiques, es el que sempre se n'escapa de tot, pero en canvi s'encarrega
i es compret a planejar les festes.
- His weakness is his hair. If Kiro is ill, he sleeps even more than usual.
La seva debilitat és el cabell. Quant està malalt, inclús dorm més que mai.
- A band holiday would lead us to Russia and Kiro would share a room with Luminor. In the evening, we
would go to a karaoke bar and Kiro would order vodka to start with and sing something by t.A.T.u..
Unes vacances ens portaria cap a Russia i Kiro compatiria habitació amb en Luminor.
Per la nit, anirem a un araoke, en kiro demanaria vodka i cantaria alguna cosa de Tatu.
- I would get him drunk on strawberry juice and later we would bake a cake.
L'emboratxaria amb suc de maduixes i més tard cuinariem un pastís.
- Needless to say that he is hung over and candied in the morning. Later that day, he will cook
olives which taste like olives that Strify doesn't like most of the time. His favourite flavouring in that
case is olive flavouring.
No cal dir que pels matins té resaca. Més tard aquell mateix día, ell cuinarà olives que sabran a
aquelles olives que a l'strify no li agraden. El seu sabor preferit en aquest cas es els sabor de les olives.