És la segona part d'una entrevista que van fer exactament el 23 d'abril. Mireu-la està molt be!!!
Es bastant divertida... però el contingut és una mica.... bizarre, diria jo!! jajaja
Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LW9WOcngRVk
Està en alemany però aquí deixo la traducció en anglès.
Espero que aixo us ajudi una mica més:
Strify: These outtakes are gonna be great once again! Cinema Bizarre at their most intimate and private, backstage without interview attitudes.
Yu: Free of makeup...
Strify: Yes, free of makeup, just how we get up... Not so close, okay?
Strify: I thought he was okay...and our supporting act is just about to start its sound check...I'll just go see Peddy [Translator's note: Cinema Bizarre's 'daddy' on tour]...they're not playing, go on, hurry up!
Strify: I used to set Barbies on fire too...
Luminor: Stop it! I herewith stand up for the preservation of Barbies.
Strify: And I for burning them! But without you having to witness it.
Strify: If you could ask us one question, what question would it be?
Strify: I wanted to ask you something too for once because we do nothing but sitting around.
Strify: What kind of pizza topping would you be?
Mel: I don't know.
Strify: Me neither!
Mel: What would you be?
Strify: Ehm, I'd be the cheese because that's what's on every pizza, everybody needs it.
Sina: What's your message behind the video to "Forever Or Never"? What does it have to do with the song?
Strify: Nothing at all! Buy our records! Ehm, yeah, what's the message...well, we wanted to tell the base drum of The Glam – pretty nice guys who are unfortunately in the middle of having their sound check...it's so very Indie Underground here, really awesome...
Yu roxx!
Strify as well...
He [Luminor] rather not...
Strify: cinemabizarre-fans.com is one of the greatest fans pages we have, and I don't say this to kiss your asses but because the door is being opened...Hello Sebastian! Is there anything important?
Mel: Yeees?
Strify: cinemabizarre-...
Sina: I wanna hear it too!
Strify: But you can't hear it at all. Okay, let's wait a while.
Mel: Let's wait. Do something cool.
Strify: Now! Cinemabizarre-fans.com and the... Okay, cinemabizarre-fans.com and the message board are some of the greatest pages and forums we have, and I don't say this to kiss your asses but because I love to stop by since I love the graphics, love the layout, love the design. That's why I advise every fan to visit this page because you find the latest news there and great specials. Kisses ass! And now the truth: total bullshit!
Kiro: This layout, ugh!
> Surreptitious advertising!
Sina: So cute in curls! I wanna have curls too one day.