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Peace today pls! 3
Yoooo 3
maybe u know its peace day so be gentle to everyone and keep this kind of mind ;D
its our last day in Tallinn and so the last day of this part of the tour but just a few days and we rock on ^.^
we slept all day long and now were goin to enjoy the sauna a last time.
i had sooo much fun with all of u these days, u gav us muuuch of good energy while all of the gigs, especially i luv helsinki, the stage was soo great!
while the tour we improved a lot and made good experiences.
its a good feelin when u know "hey im growin" not only in the way of music, also in the way of beein human.
i luv life ;D
aneway im happy to be back in berlin this evenin, even i like to travel lot, i missed it x3
rock on 3
rock it Miyavi - Nirvana Blew Cover
Pau per avui siusplau!!
Segurament sabreu que avui es el dia internacional de la Pau, sigueu bones persones amb tothom i mantingueu aquesta idea al cap.
Avui es el nostre últim dia a Tallin, o sigui el nostre últim dia d’aquesta part de la gira, però en pocs díes tornarem actuar.
Hem dormit tot el día i ara anirem a la sauna.
He disfrutat molt amb tots vosaltres aquests dies, ens heu donat molta energía, i especialmente a Helsinki on l’escenari estava molt bé.
Durant el tour anem millorant molt i vivim molt bones experiències.
M’ha alegro que sapigueu que “estic creixent” no nomès en el terreny de la música sino tb en lo personal. M’encanta la vida.
Estic content de tornar a Berlí aquest vespre, tot i que m’agrada viatjar, trobo a faltar Berlín jajaja.