annabizarre Forever Bizarre
Nombre de missatges : 1105 Age : 38 Registration date : 2008-09-05
| Subject: Formulari sobre l'Strify contestat pel Kiro!!!!!! 25/9/2008, 6:33 am | |
| Hola!!
Fa un dies vaig obrir un nou post titulat "Formulari sobre Kiro contestat per l'Strify" a l'apartat del Kiro; doncs avui li toca a en Kiro parlar, criticar o riure de l'Strify. Deixo el formulari en anglès (la resposta està en negreta): Strify is the singing mango of the band. Since he reminds of Victoria Beckham at first sight, I thought of David Beckham o.o when I first saw him. Strify smells like Dove conditioner. If he hadn't become a singer, he would now be shop assistant in the Railway Bistro. Strify is especially skilled in eating chocolate. And when he doesn't talk, he sings. Other than Strify, a banana cushion and the other people sleep in his bed. When Strify gets up in the morning, he is not as tired anymore as I am and looks like Thomas Godoj with curls. First thing he does then is eat bananas. Strify couldn't live without chocolate, he could do very well without coffee though.
If you'd like to win him over, you should have chocolate (for the third time) with you. If you enter Strify's room you should be careful because you'll stumble across all the articles of clothing that seem to have been lying there for a whole millennium already v.v. Strify can't talk when he's hungry. His biggest vice is (I'll pick something other than chocolate for once...) spending money. When it comes to domestic work, he most definitely sneaks out of tidying, which explains the state his room is in v.v, but is willing to undertake the cooking of Chilli con Mais in return. Strify's archenemies are olives. Should one of them get too close to him, I would eat it. His weakness is his voice. When Strify is ill, he talks and sings nevertheless.
A band holiday would lead us to Moscow and Strify would share a room with Madonna. In the evening, we would go to a karaoke bar and Strify would order sushi and sing something by Madonna. I would get him drunk on sparkling wine and later we would eat pizza with potato chips. Needless to say that he is hung over in the morning and eats chocolate. Later that day, he will cook Chilli con Mais again which tastes like too much sweet corn most of the time. His favourite flavouring in that case is sweet corn. Bitches-Bizarre is caramel-coated chocolate for Strify. Quan pugui escriure la traducció en català!!!! Adéw!!!! | |
CB_Princess Bizarre Adicte
Nombre de missatges : 496 Age : 39 Ubicació : Fisicament Barcelona, espiritualment Alemanya!!xD Registration date : 2008-10-23
| Subject: Re: Formulari sobre l'Strify contestat pel Kiro!!!!!! 23/10/2008, 11:22 am | |
| Gracies per penjar el formulari!!! M'ha fet molta gracia aixó de que l' Strify no sap viure sense xocolata!!! xD La veritat es que jo tampoc i mai no faría bona parella amb ell, ja m'imagino tot el día barallant-nos per menjar-nos un troç de xocolata...xD | |